In this math exam, you'll be exploring the wonderful world of fractions! Fractions are like puzzle pieces that show parts of a whole.
Topics Covered:
Understanding Fractions: You'll learn what fractions are and how to read and write them. For example, 1/2 means one out of two equal parts.
Comparing Fractions: You'll compare different fractions to see which one is bigger or smaller. It's like deciding if you have more or less of something.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Just like putting together pieces of a puzzle, you'll learn how to add fractions to find the total, and subtract them to find the difference.
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions: You'll explore how to multiply fractions to find parts of parts, and divide them to share things equally.
Mathematics General Test for Class 6 | English Medium | Published by Anshuman on Oct 02, 2024